When this occurs, all of your basic attacks will be replaced by abilities and their chances of activation will be used to determine their relative frequency. It is possible to get the total chance of activating passive weapon abilities to go beyond 100%. As you invest in these skills, their chance of activation will increase. What that means is that on every basic attack you do, you will have a chance of using the ability instead. Each of these abilities has a chance to activate, which is displayed as a percentage. The Soldier and Nightblade masteries provide several examples of this. Passively Activated Weapon Skills Some abilities in Grim Dawn are passively activated on your basic attacks. When found on a skill, Percent of Attack Damage Converted to Health applies to all of that skill's damage. If you use a skill with % Weapon Damage, that component of the skill benefit from the life steal. When on equipment, life steal applies only to your weapon attacks. It functions differently depending on whether you find it on equipment or on a skill. Life Steal Percent of Attack Damage Converted to Health is a form of life steal available in Grim Dawn. Note that Hero and Boss Monsters have a high resistance to this damage type. The damage is not a temporary reduction to the target's maximum health. This causes Percent Current Life damage to be less effective the closer to death the target is. % Current Life Damage Percent Current Life Damage is dealt as a fraction of the monster's current health. Note that Elemental damage bonuses are not applied to burn, frostburn or electrocute.

This makes percent Elemental Damage a powerful way to increase several damage types at once.
#Grim dawn damage conversion full#
Percent Elemental Damage on the other hand is a bonus to all three elements equal to the full value.

When it appears as flat damage, Elemental Damage will be dealt as 1/3 Fire + 1/3 Ice + 1/3 Lightning, divided equally. Elemental Damage Elemental Damage is a combination of the three basic magical elements: Fire, Ice and Lightning. So if you have a 20% bonus to Fire Damage, all of your fire-based skills will do increased damage, as well as any fire damage you deal on weapon attacks. Percent Damage bonuses affect all damage dealt of that type, which includes skills and weapon attacks. If found on a weapon, the Flat Damage bonus applies only to that weapon. Flat Damage applies only to your weapon attacks and does not increase the damage from your skills unless they include a % Weapon Damage component. Percent Damage Damage on equipment comes in two forms: Flat Damage and Percent Damage. For example: 125% Weapon Damage on a skill will take your basic attack and multiply it by x1.25. This includes things such as life steal, bonus magical damage and chance on attack item skills. % Weapon Damage Skills that deal % Weapon Damage take the damage and effects you would deal on a regular attack with your weapon and multiplies it by the displayed %. Offensive Ability and Defensive Ability can be increased through Cunning and Physique, respectively, and directly through equipment and skills. Both weapon attacks and abilities rely on OA to hit and critically hit, so OA is an important attribute for any character. The highest possible critical multiplier is x3.5, but to achieve this threshold you must either significantly out-level your target or have invested heavily in your OA. As you continue to gain more bonuses to your OA, you will reach higher critical multipliers. When your OA is higher than your opponent’s DA, your chance to hit and even critically hit will increase. 4.2 Offensive and Defensive Ability reduction (2 different debuff types)Ĭombat Landing Hits and Critical Hits The ability to hit and critically hit is directly tied to your Offensive Ability (OA) and your target’s Defensive Ability (DA).4.1.1 Below follows an example using the three debuff types and from four sources (two stackable type 2).4.1 Resistance Reduction (RR) (3 different debuff types).4 Resistance, Offensive & Defensive Ability Reductions. Example: Discord + 10% fire Conversion on an amulet + Stormcaller's Pact, using Cadence as attack. Example: Discord in the Soldier Skill Tree.3.5.2 The two cases where Conversion can be found.3.3 Offensive vs Defensive Ability Formula.2.10 Buffs, Debuffs and Damage over Time.